Stay connected

Stay connected

Even the precise and robust encoders from TR-Electronic are of no use unless they are connected to the appropriate control. Especially for Industrial Ethernet, assembled cables with molded plugs offer the greatest reliability for a long-term stable connection. In order to make the selection and procurement easier for users of TR encoders, TR-Electronic has included assembled cables in the product range of TR-Electronic since January 2020.

In the first step, the user is supplied with the cabling for data and supply of rotary and linear encoders with Industrial Ethernet. On the encoder side there is always the mating M12 connector (A-coded for power supply, D-coded for data), the other end fits the application: RJ45 plugs are usually used for connecting bus participants in the control cabinet. Bus cables assembled on both sides with M12 connectors connect the field devices to one another. And the cables are also available with an open end for customer assembly. Various standard lengths are available from stock.

TR-Electronic relies on the expertise of Murr Elektronik to manufacture the cables and assemblies. High quality, Data and power cables, mostly suitable for cable chains reliably connect the sensors to the control system. The perfect interaction of the cables with the TR products was tested for the cables offered.

The appropriate cables for TR sensors with PROFIBUS will also be available shortly.

Prefabricated M12 plugs on field devices are – compared to plug-in connectors that can be assembled on site – ultimately more reliable; a proven production process ensures the electrical connection and tightness. They are also more compact; Together with the choice of axial or radial connector outlets for solid and blind shaft encoders made by TR, bus encoders can be used even in very narrow spaces.

Direct link to pre-assembled cables in our selector

 press article including photograph